Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hubby Tag

I thought this would be fun to do, since we are making the big 1YEAR mark on sunday... i love him so much and am so glad we have our lives to share together!

1. Where did you meet? Thanks to my best friend... he's her cousin
2. How long did you date before you got married? 10 months... nothing like jumping in
3. How long have you been married? 1 year on sunday... yahoo!!
4. What does he do to surprise you? Cleans the whole house when i work nights :)
5. What is your favorite feature of his? shoulders and chest... he's my little buff man
6. Does he have a nickname for you? just the regular ones.. babe, honey
7. What is your favorite quality? he's the hardest worker i know, he is a motor head and can fix anything. But most of all, when he starts something it gets done right then, and when something needs done... it gets done right then!!!
8. What is his favorite food? steak and potatos!
9. What is his favorite sport? none... he never watches any of them... we usually catch the super bowl though
10. When and where did you first kiss? hehehe... i kissed him in his truck when he was dropping me off one night.... he later told me i totally shocked him HAHA
11. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? Boating... he fishes and i lay out and read! its the life
12. Do you have children? 1 amazing little boy *Peyton Chase*
13. Does he have any hidden talents? hidden??? he totally kicks ass at teather ball.. just ask my 10yr old neice, he totally won. HAHA
14. How old is he? 30 going on 14
15. Who said I love you first? him...
16. What is his favorite music? OCTANE!
17. What else do you admire about him? other than everything!! He always makes me laugh when im aunry.
18. What is his favorite color? um... i would say blue, he like to wear blue anyways
19. Will he read this? nope, unless i log on and tell him too, he has not a clue how to work computers
20. What side of the bed does he sleep on? on his side.. to my left!

I love Cole and am so glad to be married to him!


GillyBlog said...

Go Cole...Teather Ball champion!!