Wednesday, April 6, 2011


The last couple weeks have been kinda rough, and really has shown me the important things in life! I'm so grateful to be where i am in life and so happy i have my husband by my side and a healthy, CUTE and such a good little step son! I've have learned that "life happens" and when you get handed something you didnt plan on... you have to just go with it:)

here are some Things I'm Grateful For!
-that i'm healthy
-SPRING... (go away snow!)
-Peyton, i never have a dull moment with him, he makes me smile when i need it the most!
-My understanding HUSBAND, he is amazing.
-FaMiLy, i totally feel bad for those out there that dont have 3 sisters, and lots of sister-in-laws, they are all my best friends and the best support system EVER!
-the time i got to spend with my Grandma before she passed away.
-technology... i would die doing laundry by hand, not having a dish washer  OH and also Medical Technologies, when they can tell you whats UP from DOWN (or just help you understand).

Things I'm into right now
-Coconut-Creme Coffee Mate (yes i take in like 2,000 calories a morning ;) )
-spring cleaning
-Peytons wrestling... he is so much fun to watch
-"girls lunch" all of my sisters (except sara thats in st. george) go to lunch on tuesdays, i hate to miss!
-Cardigans, who new i would love these, i thought they were so GAY when i was younger
-turkey burger, we use it for everything... personal fav. is turkey italian sasauge in lasagna or meatballs
-trying to get in better shape before summer.
-the PARK, poor peyton gets ants in his pants inside, and it is so nice to be outside and let him run free
-Orginization: at work and at home, my mom blessed me with this obsession
-Doing my hair... just got it high lighted and am loving it!
-Ice Cream at night with my hubby before bed


GillyBlog said...

and Grateful for my sister Sara who is the coolest ever...JK Loved reading it and I love ya!

Andy and Brooke said...

Can we come over for ice cream??
And I LOVE your hair also!!

Dave and Alisha said...

Love this post. You are so cute:)