Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Disneyland for NEW YEARS!

HAPPY 2011! at the last min. we decided to take a trip to disneyland for a few days. We had a blast, and most importantly PEYTON had an amazing time! he still is on cloud nine! It seemed extra magical since Christmas was still up. If you ask Peyton, his favorite ride was "Tower of Terror" he was barely tall enough when you counted his inch of spikey hair! We swam for hours everyday, morning and night!

The three of us in front of the castle.

Peyton loved the plane ride! although he slept most of it both ways, the take off was a hit for him though

Givin Lighting McQueen some love

Peyton loved all the rides!

Santa at Disneyland... peyton ran up to him and yelled "THANK-YOU SO SO MUCH FOR MY DS, I LOVE IT"

My two hotties in line for the scary adventures of snow white


Shootin stuff in frontierland... look at those grins


Dave and Alisha said...

I LOVE Disney Land! totally jealous you guys just went last min. And its so fun with kids. I cant wait to take our little man this fall.

Keisha said...

Best place on earth!! So glad you had fun.

Hey totally random, but do you make cakes? If you do, email me I want more information :D