Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Emergancy Room!!!!

Yep... we spent sunday morning at the ER, Peyton took a good spill on his bike, he was being his wild self when he jumped the curb for the about 6th time his face met the rockchipped road! the pictures just dont do justice! we were thinking maybe we wouldnt go until we noticed the hole in his upper lip went all the way threw.

He got his First stitch.... yep just one! they said that was enough to make it not scare so bad, and the inside of the lip would heel okay on its own.

They taped a cotton ball with local numbing stuff so he wouldnt have to get a shot... only thing was it had to stay on there for 45min. it was a long time for my little 3 year old.

He was so so so good in there, he handled it like a champ! All the nurses couldnt believe my little squirt rides with no training wheels... let alone has been doing it for 6 months!


GillyBlog said...

OOOh...I wanna kiss those stitched up lips. I hope he is super proud of his "badge of courage"!!