Tuesday, April 7, 2009

First Fishing Trip of the Year

We got to have Peyton for a couple hours today and it was a blast! Daddy wanted to swing by Kenneths Catfish store to look at some stuff, and peyton fell in love with his first fishing pool, a DIEGO fishing pool. when we were headed home he asked where we were going and when we told him home, he was so confused cuz he really wanted to go "Fishin" so we decided, what the heck, so we flipped around and headed to kids canal... with little to none water, we found a place we could throw in! he really got the hang of it and most of all LOVED fishing!


GillyBlog said...

Cute, too bad you didn't catch anything!!
Love and miss ya, Sara

Deets Family said...

Hey Nicole,
I found your blog and I hope its okay that I am checking it out. He is a cutie! Congrats on the engagement, when is the BIG day? I hope all is well, you look really happy.
Kelli Deets

ALL ABOUT US said...

YAY you blogging! How freaking cute is peyton!! Wow love his blonde hair! And your so stinkin cute I totally ahte your guts okay maybe I don't but I sure miss you! COME OVER!!